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All you need to know
Saturday, April 28, 2007

tiring week...
nutin special actullie...
i tink onlie PE was fun...
we dance macarena, played badminton until sioa..
laugh2 aso until sioa...
i lazie to wrute anitin lah..
wen i got mood i write k???

roared @ 2:44 PM

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

todae reallie make me hurt man...
not my feelins...
my feet..
bastard juz now dini n danial...
dey purposely walk fast wen they noe my leg hurts...
when i catch up they sae they dun noe me...
i got damn piss off..
then wen they took a turn i walked on and when home myself..
i topped up my card!

roared @ 10:24 PM

Monday, April 23, 2007

he likes me too....
fark all in diz world...
it reallie hurt man...
"you waste my time lah"
diz farking 5 mords rellie hurt me..
well he sounded hot just now...
i reallie dunnoe wad to sae..
wadeva lah..
go die lah..
i aso dun care...
actuallie i did sumtin dat i tink bastard him
i wanna tell him juz now
den got his lil bro soo cannot tell...
den i ask him to kol..
he sound a bit tired
den i ask u tired izit?
wanna tok tomolo..
den he sae no lah...
he jus saving energy for tomolo 2.4 km run
den i sae u bz izit.?
den he sae nolah..juz tidying up a little...
den i sae, diz aftanoon i wanna tell u sumtin
but den got haiqel den i dun wanna sae..
den he sounded a bit hot
bit onie...
den i sae nemin lah..
i dun wanna make u hot a nigth..
go rest lah..
i talk to you tomolo..
den he sae tell me...
den i sae nemin..
u tired ryte?
i dun wan u tired yorself...
den he keep shoutin that he wanna noe...
den i sae tomolo lah..
he keep wanna noe.
den i sae go n sleep..
dat was wen he sae
den he hung up..
i wan to cry siah
but nemin
i dun care...
i pity fizah n ayu..
dey wanna do hmwk wit me but now i no mood...
fark my life...
my tigger missing areadie..
wanna cry u noe?
i wan my tigger....
i wan my scofield...
i wan myself back...
btw scofield reallie hurt me juz now...
he never sae lyke dat bfore..
reallie hurt me siah...
nemin lah..
live on man..
tomolo we juz laugh but it...

roared @ 9:07 PM

Sunday, April 15, 2007

fark ah!
bingit ngan org laen,semuer terjejas..
da tau semuer nk jad gini jgn start ah in da fisrt place....
org da ddicted den nk ngader2..
dier tk suker dier nyer psl ah..
org suker lak..
aper siak..

roared @ 8:11 AM

im farking tired now...
n my hand hurts lyke fark....
unreciprocated love rellie hurts...
i wan my brother back...
mishk him lyke hell here...
faster lah cum home...
shit lah...
onlie Muhd Ameendin Bin Rooslee [S8838420B] can make me laugh now..
i wan my brother now..
stupid NS...

roared @ 6:48 AM

Saturday, April 07, 2007

i reallie dunnoe wad happen...
i reallie never felt diz way..
has da small infatuation turn to somthing bigger?
i onlie felt diz way wen rid left me...
has he changed my feelings towards hym?
has he?
i reallie hurt man..
real hurt...
unreciprocated love hurts like a gun shot to your heart..

roared @ 2:33 PM

had a lot of fcukinG fun at achivement dae..
played catching....
do PDS push ups..
alot ah..
super fun..
i reallie enjoyed myself...
goin to step dwn..
i wanna break down n cry...

roared @ 1:49 PM

Monday, April 02, 2007

i tink im losing it alll....
i tink i goin to break dwn n cry any minute...
shud i or shud i not???
i dun wish to see him hurt again n agian ryte before my verie eyes..
all i do is stand n watch as he heals his wound n get hurt again..
i wan hym to be back together wif his bro..
i dunno wad to do...
am i a no use fwen or wad???
im soo f**king stress...
i dun wanna to be far from hym eva again...
not lyke las tyme..
he had fun todae though...
funnie dae..
tired n sad..


roared @ 8:56 PM