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All you need to know
Thursday, February 08, 2007

Drop dead gorgeous!!!
Attractive personality.
Very! sexy.
Affectionate & Secretive
Naturally honest,generous and sympathetic.
Loves to talk alot!
Loves to get their way!
Unbelievable kisser!
Easily angered.
Very stubborn in the most way possible!
Loves to get noticed!
Willing to take risks for others.
Makes good choices
Has a great fashion sense!
Maybe a little too popular

roared @ 10:00 PM

Monday, February 05, 2007

diz morn at PE...

we played da game STOP...
afta dat we had a race btw gurls n bois...
which grp can go in circle facing outwards the fastest...
fisrt round gurls win1
den 2nd rnd, tragedy struck...
da gurls team broke dier link n sum fell..
i tripped over karen,missed kelly n rolled full dorce ontop of SUKMA!
My whole 70.9 kg!
her head bled coz her specs hit her head n bend lyke hell...
den her alreadie sprained ankle becam more sprained...
den i help her up n washed her head..
den me n aini opened AIN+i massage salon...
we massaged her hand n leg..
her hand n leg swelled siah!
hope she went to doc juz now..
now i juz finished silat n goin to retreat..
tired siah...

roared @ 10:17 PM

Sunday, February 04, 2007

i juz finished custumizing my blog..
soo damn tired....
goin off to sleep now..
nytez ppl..
mayb catch a bit of nick..
den mayb disturb ppl sleepin..
den sleep..

roared @ 1:35 AM

Saturday, February 03, 2007

afta almost to one year not speaking to each oder...
i finallie saed sorie to da guy i loved da most...
it was a such a emotional thingy for me..
we r now actuallie fwens..
yesterdae at ceterpen,
he came in wid a bruised ard the eye..
coz i sat behind hym..
i saw the blodd smeared on his fingers..
kak irma don haf plaster..
i haf it!
soo i tapped his shoulder n asked of he needed it..
den he sae yar..
den wen i gave to hym he tore it wrongly..
den i i sae,
cumlah i tear for you...
den i gip kak irma to plaster for hym..
den kak irma took such a long tyme..
den i sae,
cumlah i do it..
den i put da plaster for hym n saed,
wadeva did u do now?
den he chuckled
n sae he knocked his head sumwhere i dun recall where...
den da ceterpen when on..
i wen for ncc meetin aftaward..
den i ask suresh,
do u hate ridaudin?
den he sae he don't coz he dun wan 2..
den i ask hym..
wad if me n he alreadi friend,but not special,juz friends..
den suresh was
den he saed,
if diz was da ncc rm i would alraedie hit myself at the cupboard
he asked me wad happen?
den i sae i jus dunnoe
den haikal sae
ni mesti da minta dier balik ah ni
which means diz one gerenti like back alraedie..
den i sae nolah..
where got..
but actulie i dunno..
where is my heart now..
never in one place..
btw im back in dance club..
doind diz 4 my own gud...

roared @ 9:49 PM