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All you need to know
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

i juz dun care bout guys..
but diz f**king feelin will juz creep up behind n melt me..
but da thing is,it does it on da wrong guyz..
i juz hate but i still love him..
can u imagine it?
love n hate combined?
lyke WTF!?
i dunno but i need a solution fast!

roared @ 11:22 PM

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Dedicated to sumone out dere...da song reallie reminds me of you...
Hurt by Christina Aguilera
Seems like it was yesterday when I saw your face
You told me how proud you were but I walked away
If only I knew what I know today
I would hold you in my arms
I would take the pain away
Thank you for all you've done
Forgive all your mistakes
There's nothing I wouldn't do
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything
I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself by hurting you
Some days I feel broke inside but I won't admit
Sometimes I just want to hide 'cause it's you I miss
You know it's so hard to say goodbye when it comes to this
To hear your voice again
Sometimes I want to call you but I know you won't be there
Would you tell me I was wrong?
Would you help me understand?
Are you looking down upon me?
Are you proud of who I am?
There's nothing I wouldn't to do
To have just one more chance
To look into your eyes and see you looking back
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything
I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
If I had just one more day, I would tell you how much that
I've missed you since you've been away
Oh, it's dangerous
It's so out of line to try to turn back time
I'm sorry for blaming you for everything
I just couldn't do
And I've hurt myself
By hurting you

roared @ 10:25 PM

HapIe BdAe SatisH MenoN!

i wen bowling todae...
my name was Na Na..
n kak isma was Aindinna...
funnie ryte..
the third round was kewl..
spare den zero den sapre den zero den strike den zero..
it wen for all ten throws!!
tired lah now..
tomorow got course until 9pm!!!

roared @ 9:45 PM

the heroes had apprehended batman...
becoz of the incident in episode 2...
superaja was mad and had given us extra protection to beat her down!
we win!
she'll be in jail till wednesdae!
den we will see wad happens nex!!!
the heroes r goin for a how to be a gud hero course for 3 daez..
witout batman,
dey can focus!!
heroes win!

roared @ 9:42 PM

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Todae in malay klass...

da 4 fwens strolled to klass..
accompanied by their fellow supers
sukma n rinalurvchocolate
dey make dier way to malay klass...
den we saw it...
da radiance of EVIL!
we stepped back..
but den, we went one..
the radiance was soo evilistic...
soo maiden took out her tear shield n shielded dem all...
it failed,den lithium turn...
he covered us all...
still he was defeated...
overload took out all the power he had n backfired on the evil...
we were fired ryte back...
shiira can't do a tink..
she alredier turnin too roasted pig..
rina has turn to choco latte...
sukma has alradie been fired..
the heroes lose diz tyme...

wait for the nex episode...

roared @ 8:35 PM

Sunday, January 21, 2007

1. Talk to a boy/girl you like?
2. Realize anything new?
weLL,i got a bump on my head...
3. Is Rihanna Hot?
4. Miss someone?
yes..never seeing hym again...


5. Slept in your bed?
6. Last person that saw/heard u cry?
bang dan
7. You went to the movies with?
9. You said "I love you" to and meant it?
My ex...bout 1 yer past

10. Made you laugh?
11. Said they loved you?
12. Called you in the middle of the night?
Haikal..Not soo middle ah...
13. Do you have a crush on someone?
Dunnoe Leh...


14. What book are you reading now?
Nightingale Legacy
15. Best feeling in the world?
Im in LOVE!
16. Favorite location?
All my Ibu's Crib,NCC HQ,Skwel
17. Piercing/tattoos?
18. What are you most scared of rightnow?
Allah & my future
19. Where do you want to get married?
20. Who do you really hate?
the 3E(07)byotches
21. Does anyone really hate you?
22. Do you like being around people?
sure i do!
23.Have you ever cried?
Juz yeshterdae!
24. Are you lonely right now?
Hell Yeah
25. Song stuck in your head right now?
Usah Lepaskan
26. Been on radio/TV?
27. Ever liked someone, but you thinkthey never noticed you?
Sure do...
28. Ever liked someone who treated youlike crap?
hated hym a bit afta tda crappie part...
29. How many beds did you lay in yesterday?
mine onie..n lay is a prostitued word!!!
30. What color shirt are you wearing?
Mt.Ophir Blue n Yellow
31. Name three things that you do everyday
use comp, clean kitchen, talk
32. How much cash do you have rightnow?
9 bucks
35. Who got you to join myspace?
i don't!
36. What did you have for dinner lastnight?
dunno leh...
39. Are you a member of FriendWise.com?
40. Do you have plants in your room?
41. Does anything hurt on your bodyright now?
my bloodie bump...
42. Where was your last cab ride?
dunnoe leh..
44. Would you have a problem if yourfriend went after your ex?
sure do...

roared @ 11:02 PM

todaes episod of malay klass...

batman steps into the klas...
she finds sum of us missing..
overload,shiira,maiden n lithium is slowlie strolling...
batman is enraged..
she takes out her batgun...
the four or dem saw the blast..
dey took cover...
batman steps out..
she see lithuim...
she shoots...
lithium turn solid n reflected the beam..
hitting one of da biatch makin dem charred!
not satisfied,batman shot again...
diz tyme,overload caught the blast n fired right back...
it hit another biatch n she caught into a fire n ran around lyke a mad pig!
YIOUCH!u can sae dat again...YIOUCH!
batman again not happie,shot away...
maiden took out her tear blaster n shot the oncoming blasts...
all the tears hit each blast n whizzed away towards the biatches...
she trapped one of dem in a mass of tears n blast...
hahahahaha..wad a funnie sight...
reallie upset,BATMAN shot again...
it headed straight at shiira...
she used her pig gun n shoot..
all depends on her..
one of the pigs blotted into the blast gun...
the blast gun exploded!
one of the biatches swallowed a pig!
da bell rang n dats the end of malay klass..
lets see wad our heroes will do in da nex lesson...
once again,
malay klass is saved..
thanks to..

*#SneAk peaK#*
nex episod,
loveless gal
will be helping the heroes out in the next malay klass...wait n see!!

roared @ 7:37 PM

okok..im sorie didn't blog...
tired lah..
my head hurts man..
stwepid tile...
go land on my head...
soo tired..
my hist hmwk haven do.
not a bit...
lazie siah..
but its easi lah..
my oder subs all i do areadi..
xcept mly
batman gonna have my head..
i'll blast u away wit my tear gun..

roared @ 6:59 PM

Monday, January 15, 2007

bdae was a blast!!!
Wit PDS readie for our upcomink erformance..
i juz can't wait..
bdae was fun..
wit my fam n all..
here a few memoirs of dumdum dae....

roared @ 7:05 PM

Thursday, January 11, 2007

My class is one fun bunch..
well im sorie i scolded u guyz..
todae gonna be a blast!
we r gonna haf fun ..
damn lots!
time flies huh???
tomorow is CCA open hse..
and my birthdae..
sweet sixteen!
NC 16 movie here i come!
n btw..
gettin to noe truths is painful...

roared @ 4:55 AM

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Usah Lepaskan
Taufik Batisah

Yang Terindah
Terlukis di bibir mu
Tak Pernah ku lihat senyum mu
Pudar kah sudah cinta yang ku beri
Berwarna warni segala
Yang dijanjikan

Usah biarku bersendirian
Usah biar hati mu di tawan
Usah biar diri ku sini
Seorang menunggu tanpa teman
Usha lepas genggaman tangan mu
Usah biar semua berlalu
Usah terlupa perasaan hati
Pertama kali kita bertemu
Usah Lepaskan

Tak mudah ke melupa segala yang berlalu
Ku ingin selalu bersama mu

Usah biarku bersendirian
Usah biar hati mu di tawan
Usah biar diri ku sini
Seorang menunggu tanpa teman

Usha lepas genggaman tangan mu
Usah biar semua berlalu
Usah terlupa perasaan hati
Pertama kali kita bertemu

Ku tak peduli apa sebabnya
Engkau dan dia harus bersama
Mendungnya langit bila berkata
Kita patut nya masih bercinta

Usah Lepaskan
Usah Lepaskan

Yang Terindah
Terlukis di bibir mu
Tak Pernah ku lihat senyum mu

roared @ 10:40 PM

diz are da feww events dat happen wen i was not blogging...
tired ah...

Melaka N KL
Cik Inas pLace...
Wak Dollahs Hse...
Sunway Lagoon...
My New Shoes...
Otw Home!!!

At Melaka...Abg Azman Hse...
At Melaka...Shah's Resort or sumtin...
At KL,Bandar Baru Bangi...Wak Dollah Hse...
At KL,Sunway Lagoon...Me wit da twins...
At KL,Sunway Lagoon...Whole dae of fun...
At Melaka...Family Fun Time!!!

At Melaka...Pantai Klebang...

At Melaka,Pantai Klebang...Savouring sweet rich durians...

At Melaka,Klebang...MMM...CHENDOL!
At Melaka,Shah's Resort...Nice Antique...
At Melaka,Mahkota Parade
At Melaka,Mahkota Parade...Me n sibs...
At Melaka,Mahkota Parade...ALL ABOARD!!!
At Melaka,Fort...High Ryte???
At Melaka,Fort...Familie Pic..Ayah where???
Secondary 1 Registration plus PDS training...

Precision guyz!
Miie N Bro Suresh...
Putting up NCC Banner
Deep in discussion!

Promotional parade 2006 -26 December 2006

My Part Ds n CLTs
My Precious Part C
USM n a pinch of ASM
Part C Contigent
My Companie...

roared @ 8:42 PM