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All you need to know
Saturday, September 30, 2006

tired todae...
got remedial wit ms ding in da morn..
now i still flat out...

roared @ 5:01 PM

Several men are in the changing room of a golf club.
A mobile phone on a bench rings and a man engages the hands free speaker-function
and began to talk.
Everyone else in the room stops to listen.

MAN: "Hello"
WOMAN: "Darling, it's me. Are you at the club?"
MAN: "Yes"
WOMAN: "I am at the shopping centre and found this beautiful leathercoat. It's only $3 ,000. Is it OK if I buy it?"
MAN: "Sure...go ahead if you like it that much."
WOMAN: "I also stopped by the Mercedes dealership and saw the new 2006 models. I saw one I really liked."
MAN: "How much?"
WOMAN: "$300,000"
MAN: "OK, but for that price I want it with all the options."
WOMAN: "Great! Oh, and one more thing ... The house I wanted last year is back on the market. They're asking for $850,000"
MAN: "Well, then go ahead and give them an offer of $900,000. They will probably take it. If not, we can go the extra 50 thousand. It really is a pretty good price."
WOMAN: "OK. I'll see you later! I love you so much!!"
MAN: "Bye! I love you, too."

The man hangs up.
The other men in the changing room are staring at him in astonishment, mouths agape.....
He smiles and asks: "Anyone knows whose phone is this? "

roared @ 4:55 PM

Jan 12 to Jan 24 Elm Tree
Elm Tree (the Noble-mindedness)
pleasant shape
tasteful clothes
tends not to forgive mistakes
likes to lead but not to obey
honest and faithful partner
likes making decisions for others
good sense of humor

roared @ 4:49 PM

Thursday, September 28, 2006

slept throught da dae todae....
soo tired siah....
den take picture lyke neva take pic bfore....
now tired aredie..

roared @ 10:44 PM

Loves to chat....My fabourite hobby!!!do it durin sleep 2...
Loves those who love them....Yup!!!!
Loves to take things at the center....UhUh...
Inner and physical beauty....Wad do you tin?
Lies but doesn't pretend....Yap...Sure i do....
Gets angry often....Verie often...
Treats friends importantly....Yesh...
Brave andfearless....Im scared of dogs n da dark!!!
Always making friends....Yup,all rounder mah...
Easily hurt butrecovers easily....not soo but depends hurt on wad...
Daydreamer....Every single lesson...
Does not care to control emotions....i juz cry wen eva i wan too...sumtyme it juz flows....
Extremely smart...see the leg ah....
but definitely the hottest...sure...coz i emit alot of heat...
sexiest of them....wif " "


roared @ 10:23 PM

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

todae buker at hasif's...
hasif is dwn wit fever...
verie kiut siah..
we ate...
lontong goreng...
mee goreng...
bubur somsom...
custard mango..
den go terawih...
hasif didn't follow..
den afta 8 rakaat we go home coz i leg pain...
den wen walkin home saw diz marsiling guy..
didn't remember his name...
den we walked back..
den waitin for lift da marsilin guy n a few others also came...
dey all slm ibu..
i juz stood dere blend in wit da wall..
den da hensem one asked..
where hasif cik?
den ibu sae he down wit fever...
n den we wen into da lift together...
dey alighted at 3 floor..
den iask ibu where dey live..
ibu sae onli dat hensem one name yat stay at 3 floor..
hasif skatin fwen..
da other ibu dunnoe..
juz reached home and writtin all diz..
tired ah..
wanna retire early todaae..
the countdwn has began...
to my bdae!!!!!!
cweetest dwems!!!!

roared @ 10:32 PM

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

HADY MIRZA WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yesterade at mak bear hse...
Me,Nana,Kak Caca n Mak Bear wen almost screamin when Hady won...
funnie siah...
we were dere bcoz we buker dere mah..
got alot of mkn...
sambal udang...
asam pedas...
sop sayor..
n kari ayam...
n karipap...
n kueh jepon...
n soya n cincau mix..
delicious siah...
i was full until sahur!!!

roared @ 5:48 PM

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Wen for my fisrt TERAWIH in my life...
quite fun wit an injured leg...
quite kachong wen evrione started ISYAK aredie...

wen out to STUDIE..
wit nuur,aie,haziq...
den met wit Shida n den follow her go buy sumtin...
den go home...

scold my sista ask why wake soo early...
sae no skul wad...
den she sae need to wake up SAHUR...
ouh yar..
i forgot..
we puasaing...
den woke up at 730...
gi admiralty got performance..
neva do anitin dere xcept sit dwn read book...
didn't socialize..
dunno ylah...

PS: MusLim Peeps out dere...

roared @ 10:09 PM

Saturday, September 23, 2006

life soo borin...
wad did i do 2dae???
woke up at 5.02 am...
went out of hse at 5.48 am...
met suresh at 5.58am...
took train...
reached at jurong east interchange...
accidently meet avon n yvonne dere...
we go boon lay...
meet wit jonathan n eugene...
jonathan bring his cousin...
jia how...
i tink lah his name...
den we do sum cockster work...
den we go to pasir laba camp BCTC...
met wit maam dere...
den continue cockster work...
den de emceeing thingy...
den go home...
now i at home...
tpin all diZ...
still dunno wad to do...

roared @ 2:51 PM

Friday, September 22, 2006

well people my age always has dis thinkin...
"i like him...MUST HAVE him!!!"
why ibu is proud of me is bcoz...
diz is my thinkin...
"I like hym...but if he doesn't like me den wad can i do???"
"FATE will do its job..."

Airmata Saksi Cinta Ku

Tak dapat nakku gambarkan sayang
Betapa kuatnya cintaku ini
Hanya tuhan saja yang tahu niatku yang suci
Ingin terus hidup bahagia denganmu

Dari hari ke hari kurasa
Kasih sayang kusemakin dalam
Tak pernah kubenci padamu
Walaupun hatiku pernah dilukai

Jangan kau pergi meninggalkan aku
Tak sanggupku berpisah dengan mu
Bagaimana nanti bila aku rindu
Dimana tempat nakku bermanja

Demi tuhanku sayang padamu
Airmata menjadi saksinya
Bagaimana lagi hendakku buktikan
Kesetiaannya cintaku ini

Apakah lagi yang kau mahu
Tak cukupkah pengorbananku
Semoga kau mengerti perasaanku
Betapa ikhlasnya cintaku

Bila hatiku sudah sayang
Bukan mudah nakku lupakan
Biarpun pedih dugaan
Relaku hadapi sayang

Cinta lahir dari lubuk hati
Bukan sengaja di paksa - paksa
Sekali bilaku jatuh cinta oh...
selamanyaaku ingin bersamamu ( sayang )

roared @ 11:56 PM

now i noe his true feelings for me...
no commentlah..
fate doesn't want us to be together..
muz b strong man..
face life lyke normal..
wit my new fwens...
whu is better...
whu will care..
forgive n forget...
never hold grudges...
never hold secrets...
never backstb u n neva admit...
dats my fwens...
always dere 4 me...
heartbroken always...

roared @ 11:50 PM

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

i didn't noe my life wud crash down at my feet..
juz bcoz i didn't sae...
i love u....
im crying my life away each nyte...
still thinkin of hym...
dunno wad he tings of me...
let all diz be a mystery...
da tyme will one dae cum...
it neva will...
i haf no courage...
i haf no strengh...
i haf no confidence...
i haf nutink...
i onli haf diz shell im dragging arg...
diz stewpid shell dat shows all da opposite of me...
he'll neva noe...
even though im verie close to hym...
he doesn't noe...
nobodie noes how i feel..

roared @ 10:08 PM

Monday, September 18, 2006

did diz pic..
kinda SS lor...
i still dunno how he feel for me...
how to ask sae...
wad if he hates me?
i can't bear being rejected...
but i can't deny diz feeling...
dunno whu can help miie...

roared @ 3:37 PM

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Avril Lavigne Lyrics
My Happy Ending Lyrics

So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

Let's talk this over
It's not like we're dead
Was it something I did?
Was it something You said?

Don't leave me hanging
In a city so dead
Held up so high
On such a breakable thread

You were all the things
I thought
I knew
And I thought we could be

You were everything, everything that
I wanted
We were meant to be,
supposed to be,
but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me,
just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

You've got your dumb friends
I know what they say
They tell you
I'm difficult
But so are they

But they don't know me
Do they even know you?
All the things you hide from me
All the shit that you do

You were all the things
I thought
I knew
And I thought we could be


It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like
I was the only one

It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as
I fall
And letting me know we were done

[Chorus x2]

[x2]Oh oh, oh oh, oh oh...So much for my happy endingOh oh, oh oh, oh oh...

roared @ 1:08 PM

Keranamu Kekasih
Bila kuimbas lagi
Terusik peristiwa dulu yang mengguris hati
Terkulai-kulai diri bila cinta didustai
Oleh insan yang pertama aku sayangi
Bila aku kenangi
Hidupku tak lagi ceria seperti dahulu
Tiada lagi keindahan yang aku rasai
Ohh... selama ini teguhnya cintaku
Pada mu kekasih
( 1 )
Oh oh oh...
Tidak ku menjangkakan ini 'kan terjadi
Bila sidia undur diri dan memutus cinta
Alam kurasakan suram
Tiada lagi beri simpati
Oh oh oh...
Ternyata kejujuran salah ditafsirkan
Rupa-rupanya di hatimu dia yang bertakhta
Mengikis semarak cinta yang telah kita bena
Seindahnya di syurga
Kita berdua menjalin kasih
Yang akhirnya terpisah jua
Ku rela kau pergi
( ulang dari 1 )

roared @ 1:04 PM

Evanescence Lyrics
Call Me When You're Sober Lyrics
Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.

Should I let you fall?
Lose it all?
So maybe you can remember yourself.
Can't keep believing,
We're only deceiving ourselves .
And I'm sick of the lie,
And you're too late.

Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,Come find me.
Make up your mind.

Couldn't take the blame.
Sick with shame.
Must be exhausting to lose your own game.
Selfishly hated,
No wonder you're jaded.
You can't play the victim this time,
And you're too late.

Don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
You want me,
Come find me.
Make up your mind.

You never call me when you're sober.
You only want it cause it's over,
It's over.

How could I have burned paradise?
How could I - you were never mine.

So don't cry to me.
If you loved me,
You would be here with me.
Don't lie to me,
Just get your things.
I've made up your mind.


roared @ 12:26 PM

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Why did u haf to go sis?
u neva noe how my life will be witout u...
wadeva it is...
i lurve u..
i'll miss my big siz...
dun 4get miie here...
lurve u 4eva..
sista lurp 4 eva...
wait for miie dere...
i'll cum one dae...
lurp u...

Sitting here..
Tinkin of you..
How could u leave???
Why did u leave witout sae gudbye..
as tears roll down my cheeks...
i sae yor name...
i sae yor name...
my crying shoulder has dissappeared...
witout me noeing it...
well siz..
its yor tyme..
nutink i can do to prevent it..
well i lurp u nomatter wad...
wait for me dere...

roared @ 9:41 PM

Monday, September 11, 2006

in da morn of 9 sept...

my heart raced...
im goin 2 perform..
afta a long damn tyme...
at my future work place...
i was at Yishun fire station..
we were invited to do a show...
now im bug..
did wad we need to do..
when da extra part came my heart was racing lyke hell...
i was ryte in front of da guest of honour!!!!
broke da tile...
cut me sole..
lil cut..
but big pain...
den afta change go see hasif...
he go performance...
sat wit hym...
waitin in agony for da damn prize givin to finish..
by the tyme dey got all da stewpid kids to sit down,
i was alreadie late to go to HQ...
wit a heavy heart i walked to hasif n explained dat i needed to go...
i wanted to see hym but tyme restricted miie...
i saed sorie over n over..
i patted hyz shoulder n we shooked hands..
i wen off lookin at hyz face..
if onlie he would noe wad was happenin inside miie...
no use tellin hym..
i'll be rejected lyke always...
im always bastarded n rejected..
its my life..
can't do athing ryte...

den in da aftanoon...
met wit izzuddin at the swimming complex...
ask y look soo sad...
den he told miie dat Zulaikha scolded him..
pity him..
den wen reach HQ we waited for khabir n zulaikha...
wen dey arrived,
well zulaikha was damn angry wit din lor...
didn't tok..
soo during wearin da harness,
i let zulaikha n sin alone..
i purposely neva help...
den dey tok n evritin wen fine...
den afta climbin to practice,
i got fallin practice..
scared lyke hell aredie...
at da third floof i let go...
den in 1 second flat i was da ground...
bloodie hell de all..
pissed off sia...
but dey apologised n we all laughed it all out..
but seriously,
it was 1 second flat..
de spectators sae wen dey galanced away n looked back i was aredi on da ground...
mus haf been funnie..

at nyte...
da real thing...
wen i climb i suddenly becum scared...
scared of cockin up...
den i heard CLT hadi sae,
"now lane 2 will demonstrate a fallin drill"
at dat instance i shouted fallin n let go...
den i recovered n continued climbin...
fun ah..
den i wen to see da dinner..
to paisey to go near...
den a tragedie striked...
but not dere ah..
at aust..
my godsiz got into an aksident...
dat made miie cry bfore goin home..
i lied to da CLTs saein it was my home but i can't do a tin...
i was too sad...
reached home at 12.15 am...
first tyme in my life siah...
cum back from skwel event dat late..
but did haf fun..
wit all da new fwens..
n a broken heart...
n a stressed person...

roared @ 3:58 PM

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Back at home as a STAFF SERGEANT now..
after camp pinneacle(???) im a MASTER SERGEANT...
first training as ASM will be damn torture!!!
diz is da planning layout of the training...

during PT...
4 set of 20 Sit ups...
3 set of 20 Push ups...
1 set of 20 Diamonds...
4 set of 20 Ranger jumps...
4 set of 20 Flutter kicks..
1 round of strolling ard da skul...

da strolling is wit a " "...

now lets tok bout my post...
im da newly appointed ASM...
im aslo da Admin spec...
juz hate it man..
damn mit!!!!

btw SSC was gerek!!!
met a lot of sea cadets..
made a lot of fwens aso...
signin ooutz!!!!

roared @ 8:06 AM

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

You're now entering the place,

where you sit or stand alone,

and loneliness you embrace.

The pain in your heart approaches,

your mouth gets dry,

all you feel like doing,is sitting down to cry.

it feels like emptiness for miles,

here there are no smiles,

all you have is yourself,

and your broken heart.

The loneliness grows,

and that horrible feeling starts,

you hear nothing only groans.

The only people you see,

don't even care about you,

they only live to survive.

Every time they talk,

everything takes a dive.

So you just stand there,

wishing that someone cared,

but all they do,

is laugh and stare.

Cold people see you from a distance,

they don't want to be near you,

they don't even want to hear you.

Their insensitivity,

is uncalled for and unfair,

they leave you alone and in despair.

All you do is sit there alone,

you wish they would approach you,

but oh well.

You need a good friend,

and you feel that if you don't find one,

your sad world might soon end.

roared @ 2:56 PM

Saturday, September 02, 2006

when to hasif house coz celebratin his burfdae...
didn't mind coz i saed we r siblings...
upon reaching,
me,my bro,n fizah,
was scared to go in coz we thought got alot of ppl..
very noisy siah...
den haziq cum out sae onlie 3 aunties was dere...
den we go in lah...
den i salam da 2 makcik...
den i salam ibu..
ibu introduced me to hasif nenek as her daughter in law...
felt proud of it...
den its tyme to cut da cake..
i sat directly away from hym...
he took a pic wit ibu...
ibu was kissin hym..
i felt kinda jealous suddeny..
i wish i was ibu...
wen ibu kisse hym,
he looked at me wit diz apologetic face..
de first kiss..
den da second,
he gave me de same face...
den de third tyme,
same face even more apologetic...
i was practically melting...
i was lookin at hym straight in da eye...
he was lookin straight through my soul...
den he pass me de cake..
i was lyke ice cream dere..
den ayah saw me reddenin n he disturb me wen i salam hym to go home...
i got to pinch hym as i did not gif a burfdae present...
i was practically meltin wen he waved gudbye..
tag my board..

-confused soul-

roared @ 10:44 PM

Friday, September 01, 2006

well,afta diz morn yellow ribbon thingy,
i went wit malik n his cadets to cozway...
we went wlk2...
den left me,malik,heiqal...
heiqal n malik went inside gift a name...
i went in n out...
standin by da railin,
i saw him..
in da arms of another gurl...
i juz kept starin...
den i wanted to run away...
i looked for malik...
he n heiqal was aredi out n watchin my reaction..
dat made me smile...
den malik go toilet...
he went out again bastard me..
dat bastard...
den i followed dem to timezone..
i thought i can peace dere...
den i saw him n da gurl kissin n huggin each other..
its gud thing we went deeper inside..
den malik sae dey r goin home..
so @ first floor i bid my gudbyes n walked all da way home..
now im cryin lyke hell n nobodie cares...

roared @ 5:53 PM