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All you need to know
Thursday, August 31, 2006

Im sorry for all i've done to you my fwen...
im da worst of da worst...
i'll neva get to repay u on wad u done 4 me all diz while...
i hope u will 4gif me...
if u r still angry,well da onlie thing i can do is dissappear from diz world...
dissappear from yor life,my life n evriones...
i dunno y mus i do diz..
but datz all i can sae...
i haf nobod but u...
i haf hurt u now...
im soo sorie...
i'll juz die...
plz 4give me first...
u've been dere 4 me all diz while..
hate me all u want..
im sorie...

roared @ 6:32 PM

Thursday, August 24, 2006

todaE i caM home froM veRie tireD coZ i waS arGuinG wiD da VP bouT caMp FEAST...
noT heaTed oNe..
juZ a fwEnLie toK...
We R GOIN!!!!!!!!
dA whoLe moRn waS toKinG wiD shidA...
tokIng bouT MiiE...
neva taught i'LL toK bouT mySeLf wiD ppL...
juS haTe mYseLf soO MucH...
nO commEnT...

taG MiiE tO enquiRe aNytin...
iF perSonaL,toK 2 MiiE at MSN or MSG MiiE @ fweNstA...

roared @ 8:06 PM

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

gFirst Story...

Diz gurl enters SMB sec wif a Tscore of 97...
She is in da technical stream...
She studied in class...
Despite of all de jeerings and obstacles she had to pass,
She went into 2NA...
During her streaming,she was offered to 3 express..
She declined coz she wanted to study at a slower pace...
Slow and steady wins de race...
She tops the Acadamic level each year..
She even got top student for her 'O' levels...
She went to JC...
Now she is in UNIVERSITY...
Hardwork N Determinaton PPL!!!!!

Second Story...

Diz guy came into SMB sec wit the highest Tscore of 238...
Teachers look at him wif hopes and dreams...
He played out...
He skipped class,skool and was a defiant child...
His grades dropped..
by the end of streaming, he was literally transfered to 3NA..
Dere he still continued his old ways...
He managed to scrape through 'N' levels to get to sec 5..
He den left half way he left...
Latest news of hym is he is married to a gurl 10 yers his senior...

Third Story

Story of diz gurl...
Hu had da ability to pass witout studying...
After hearing diz 2 stories...
she feels inspired to learn..
but she is now damn stress..
can anibodie help her?
tag her tagboard to tell her wad to do...

roared @ 9:29 PM

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

forgot to share My JOHOR CompEtitoN...

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MiiE uP deRe!!!!

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mY medal...

my ThirD rpuNd..

borin round....
iM stiLL searChin 4 mE firsT 2 roUnds...
bEs siaH!!!

got aLot oF wiNninG enTries!!!!


haF fuN LaughIng at MiiE!!!!
lyKe teDDiE beaR aitE???



roared @ 7:51 PM

2 GreaT newS!!!!!

#I'm GoiN tO SenioR Spec CourSe!!!!!!!!!!
#I impRoved mY naFa TiminG bY 7 mins!!!!!!!!!!


My 2.4 triaL --> 20.45 mins...
My 2.4 REAL!!! --> 13.39 Mins!!!!!!!


i wiN mY otHer SLIM N SEXY fwenS!!!!!!!!!

neva In mY LifE siAh...


roared @ 7:32 PM

Sunday, August 20, 2006

soo Long nevA rytE...
dunno wad 2 rytE...
diz is a few pics of National camp...

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Syed,Hafiz N MaLik...

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MiiE N ShahriL

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MiiE N HenseM RocK!!

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MiiE N FarhaN

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AmiR,MiiE,Farhan N ShahriL

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MiiE,MaryaM,AyU N AmiR

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My EchO GurLfwenS...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

NationaL CamP 2006 10-13 August 2006...


roared @ 10:13 PM

soo Long nevA rytE...
dunno wad 2 rytE...
diz is a few pics of National camp...

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Syed,Hafiz N MaLik...

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FarhaN N MiiE

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dA gaLs oF eCho...

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MiiE N HenseM RocK

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MiiE N ShahriL

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NationaL CamP 06'!!!10 - 13 August 2006


roared @ 10:00 PM